Terms and Conditions - Content Upload

Terms and Conditions - Content Upload

Welcome to SLT Store! Before you upload any content to our platform, please take a moment to read and understand the following terms and conditions. By uploading content to SLT Store, you agree to abide by these terms:

1. Unpaid Content : SLT Store does not provide compensation for the content you upload. All uploads are voluntary and free of charge.

2. No Scam Contents : Users are prohibited from uploading or sharing any content that is fraudulent, deceptive, or involved in any kind of scam.

3. Original Content : Only upload content that you own the rights to or have explicit permission to use. If you are posting someone else's content, provide proper credits and respect copyright laws (©).

4. Approval Process : All content will be reviewed and approved by the SLT Team before it is published on our platform. We reserve the right to reject content that does not meet our guidelines.

5. Protect Personal Information : Do not share personal information or sensitive data within the content you upload. Privacy and security are of utmost importance.

6. No External Links : Users are not allowed to post or share links to other websites, personal profiles, or any external content unrelated to SLT Store.

7. Review Privacy Policies and Terms : Before uploading content, users must read and accept our privacy policies and these terms and conditions.

8. Provide Accurate Information : Ensure that all information provided in the content upload request form is accurate and truthful.

9. Check Notifications : After uploading content, please check your email/WhatsApp number regularly. We will send approval/rejection notifications within 24 - 48 hours during working days.

10. Stay Updated : Keep yourself informed about any changes or updates to our terms and conditions by visiting our site regularly.

By using SLT Store and uploading content, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the removal of your content and/or suspension of your access to SLT Store.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for being a part of the SLT Store community!

Last Updated: 09.10.2023